Сообшение # 48 от: Георги Иванов | Добавлено: 11.06.2007 в 19:27 |
БРАВО!!!!Слпва нет !! |
Сообшение # 47 от: Сергей | Добавлено: 09.06.2007 в 14:52 |
С большим удовольствием рассмотрел
материалы сайта. Труд его авторов -
очень хорошо проделанная работа. Мне,
как историку пригодится это в
практической работе. Большое Спасибо. |
Сообшение # 46 от: Алексей Шпилевой | Добавлено: 05.06.2007 в 11:08 |
Здравствуйте! С большим удовольствием
посетил и рассмотрел Ваш сайт. Большое
спасибо! |
Сообшение # 45 от: Gunter Spohr | Добавлено: 18.05.2007 в 08:12 |
Dear gospodin Bichurov,
forgive me for writing in English; my modest Russian - after so many
decades - has faded.
I wanted to thank you - and share the small present with you that I
have attached to this mail. - I have come to your site from
Samara-photo which has given me so much remembrances of my childhood.
At Samara-photo I also, of course, came accross your works, which I
have enjoyed so much.
The attached scan is of a picture taken between 1949 to 1951 in
Upravlensheski Gorodok; it seems to be the frontside of the house your
Album 26 shows in the second line, second from the right. At that
time, it had the address 2-6-3 on the street then running parallel to
the wall of the the aviation construction complex of Eng. Kuznetsov
(Motorstroitel, today, I think). I grew up in that house after World
War II. My Familiy moved into there after some months stay at the
Sanatorium Krasnaya Glinka.
Dwelling on Samara-photo and on your website revives much memories
from the past and gives me the lively feeling of still taking part of
the development of the Zhiguli and Samara regions. Please, be so kind
to accept my sincerest and heartfelt gratitute and, please, pass this
gratitude on to your collegues and authors at Samara-photo.
I am amazed how deep the emotions still were burried inside me that
were brought to life by going through your website. I did not know
they still existed after so many years - I will, when I get an
opportunity, go through my old cases with things stored away to see if
there is anything more by way of documentary photo or so of that
period when those German socalled specialists populated large parts of
Upravlensheski gorodok; going to 88th Special Middle School; passing
the beautiful summers at the island in the Volga river; the long walks
along the Sok; ax, ... Of course, it wasn't always that easy and all
sunshine; we were often hungry as averyone else for the first years
after arriving in winter 1946; my sister and myself for some years
kept some goats to be able to have some milk and meat for the family
from time to time; then there were the noisy trial runs over many days
for the new turbines; the uncertainties going along with the regime;
the Gulag that was on our way to schoool; ... But we children were
amply compensated by the beatiful nature and the gentillesse of so
many people, Russian, Tatar, Bashkir ...
I read with interest your section on the Molokan orchards and the
community. I was not aware of their presence in Samara then; only
later, when living in Kurdistan of Iraq (which I still do halb of the
year), I had met some of those Molokans that had by strange ways
migrated from the Red Kurdistan area near Karabagh up to Persian and
then to Iraqi Kurdistan. It was that encounter that prompted me to
read a bit more about the group.
Sorry, I was getting sentimental and I am getting talkative.
All good wishes and greetings from Berlin,
repectfully and greatfully
yours Gunter Spohr |
Сообшение # 44 от: Юрий Каргин | Добавлено: 08.05.2007 в 10:32 |
Восхищён огромной работой, которая
проделана создвтелями сайта. Очень
хотел бы такой же, но только по г.
Балаково: сам краевед. Сейчас работаю
над большой Балаковской народной
энциклопедией. Может, поможете?! Буду
весьма признателен. |
Сообшение # 43 от: Полина | Добавлено: 07.05.2007 в 18:22 |
Шикарный сайт!!!Восхитительно!Спасибо
Вам огромное.Невероятно интересно=) |
Сообшение # 42 от: Сергей | Добавлено: 29.04.2007 в 09:35 |
Огромное спасибо за то, что даете
возможность узнать больше о нашем
городе! Очень рад за Вас, и надеюсь на
дальнейшее развитие проекта. |
Сообшение # 41 от: Radonez | Добавлено: 19.04.2007 в 09:13 |
Наконец-то нашёл то, что давно искал -
фотографии старой самары. А гостевую
книгу вы далеко запрятали - ссылку еле
нашёл |
Сообшение # 40 от: Светлана | Добавлено: 18.04.2007 в 14:01 |
Огромное спасибо за ваш сайт. Смотрели
всей семьей.Мама(наша бабушка,ей70)
смотрела и вспоминала, ведь все было
на ее глазах,особенно район Хебной
площади, пл Револющии,Ж/Д вокзала. Во
время войны они жили во дворе
Ж/двокзала.Процветания и
благополучия!!! |
Сообшение # 39 от: Дима (cайт автора: http://www.samgtu.ru/~mtm/) | Добавлено: 17.04.2007 в 08:49 |
Я думаю, что "простым" решением
будет поставить на рисунок размеры
(высоту и ширину) по 100%. Хотя я не
совсем уверен. Нужно пробовать. |
первая ..